AMA Laboratories specializes in SPF testing to determine the Sun Protection Factor for product labeling requirements: Static, Water Resistant, UVA and UVB testing that complies with worldwide regulatory agencies.

We perform tests to all the following worldwide standards:
- ISO 24444 – Cosmetics – Sun protection test methods – In Vivo determination of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF)
- Current method provides for Static determination only
- International Sun Protection Factor; International Global Harmonization Method (SPF) [CTFA-SA, COLIPA, JCIA, PCPC]
- Static
- Water Resistant 40 Minute/Very Water Resistant 80 Minute (Water and Very Water Resistant Testing include Static determination)
- AS/NZS 2604:2012 – Australian/New Zealand Standard
- Static
- Water Resistant 40 Minute, Water Resistant 80 Minute, 2-hour, 3-hour, 4-hour (Water Resistant Testing includes Static determination)
- In-Vivo UVA Protection Efficacy
- ISO 24442 – Cosmetics-Sun Protection Test Methods – In-Vivo Determination of Sunscreen UVA Protection
- JCIA Method – Japan Cosmetics Industry Association (PA, PFA, PPD)
All solar simulators and detectors are calibrated three times annually by two independent certification facilities and held to all appropriate NIST traceable standards.
To support Broad Spectrum claims, it is economically advisable to conduct the In-Vitro Investigation (Critical Wavelength) prior to In-Vivo testing.
With our extensive experience working with manufacturers and formulators, AMA is pleased to offer Sunscreen Screening Packages that include our proprietary in-house in-vitro SPF screening.
We find that this type of testing is quite useful for those who are not yet ready to market their product but are in the process of selecting the best formulations for their company. While these cannot be used for label claims, the cost of this preliminary testing can be deducted from final full panel studies. A formal report of screening results is provided and custom packages are also available upon request.
Many companies still prefer to test according to previously published sunscreen methods and monographs in order to more intensively investigate the efficacy of their products.
AMA Labs has maintained a repertoire of such tests:
- Sweat Resistant or Sweat Proof, Wash-on Products, and Abrasion (Towel) Resistant
- 4-, 6-, and 8-Hour Studies
- Salt Water Immersion (Ocean Simulation)
- Chlorine Water Immersion (Pool Simulation)
- Exercise Programs (Sports Claims)
- Powders
- Towelettes
- Sprays (Pump and Aerosol)
- Post-Insult SPF (Heat, Wind and Sand)
Our globally compliant SPF testing uses both single and multi-port solar simulators to ensure the highest level of accuracy.